Opening of the exhibition “At the Crossroads Between Worlds” @ Muzeul Judetean de Arta Prahova "Ion Ionescu-Quintus", Ploiesti /
Stefan Ramniceanu, recipient of the "Ion Andreescu" prize of the Romanian Academy — the highest recognition in Romania for visual arts /
Opening of the exhibition "Corpo, Edifico, Tempo" @ IRCCU Venice /
Join us, on February 12, for the premiere of "Muzeon — Stefan Ramniceanu", an experimental art documentary by Laurenţiu Damian, head of the Romanian Filmmakers Union (UCIN) /
The official catalogue to accompany Stefan Ramniceanu's 2014 landmark retrospective "Marks" (URME) at the Mogoşoaia Palace and at ATELIERAMNICEANU, featuring paintings, sculptures and installations than span Ramniceanu's thirty-five-year career. A two-volume, 700+ pages, catalogue written in English, French and Romanian, including numerous studio and on-stage photographs as well as in-depth essays and designed as testament to the career of a man driven to confront himself and the audience with the complex issues of our worlds' past, present and future.
Jointly edited by the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center with the support of law firm Bulboacă & Asociații.
Stefan Ramniceanu, Recipient of the "Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards" Prize in Painting /
On October 1, 2015, Stefan Ramniceanu received the "Constantin Brâncoveanu Award" in Painting during a ceremony held at the Mogosoaia Palace.
Hailed as the one of the most prestigious awards in Romania, the Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards were introduced by the Alexandrion Foundation as a form of recognition for outstanding works in the fields of Romanian history, culture and arts. It embodies Nawaf Salameh's Alexandrion Group commitment to honoring the values of Romanian culture. The Constantin Brâncoveanu Awards were presented in 7 categories including music, architecture, plastic arts, history and literature and have were granted under the endorsement of an esteemed jury, comprised of 7 personalities in Romanian science and culture chaired by Acad. Dan Berindei.
Stefan Ramniceanu distinguished as "Citizen of Honor of the Municipality of Ploiesti" /
The members of Ploiesti Municipality Council unanimously resolved to confer to Stefan Ramniceanu (b. 1954, Ploiesti) the title of "Citizen of Honor of the Municipality of Ploiesti" (Cetăţean de Onoare al Municipiului Ploieşti) as recognition of his lifetime achievements in the arts, as well as his significant contribution to the Romanian cultural life.
The award ceremony took place during the meeting of the Ploiesti Municipality Council on September 25, 2015.
Stefan Ramniceanu distinguished as "Man of the Year 2014" in Art by leading Romanian Newspaper Cotidianul /
Cotidianul, one of the leading Romanian national newspapers which awards prizes every year to the top Romanian personalities with a significant positive impact in their field, has awarded Stefan Ramniceanu the Prize of the 2014 "Man of the Year" in Art.
This prestigious prize recognizes the meaning and importance of Ramniceanu's retrospective "Urme" organized by the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center in collaboration with the General Council of Bucharest and the Artists Union of Romania on the occasion of the 300th commemoration of the death of leading historical figure Constantin Brâncoveanu.
This retrospective brought together over 400 artworks by Ramniceanu from major international collections displayed at the Mogosoaia Palace and at ATELIERAMNICEANU, spanning over 35 years of creation through the wealth and subtlety of his main cycles.
The award celebration took place at the Athénée Palace Hilton in Bucarest, Romania on February 19, 2015.
Opening of "Dialogues" @ the Bin Matar House: the first exhibition in the Gulf by French‐Romanian Artist Stefan Ramniceanu /
For the first time in the Gulf, more than 50 paintings, sculptures and drawings by Ramniceanu will be brought into dialogue, providing an overall view of his atypical path and ever changing styles. The exhibition will bear witness to the importance of Ramniceanu’s work, in particular to his profoundly symbolic content and tireless questioning of the concepts of memory and identity, apparent in his work throughout his aesthetical researches and treatments.
The route offered is naturally structured by the artist’s key cycles: Centaurs, Memory of the Islands, Poetic of Geometry, Universal Man, Scholars, Pillars, Golden Nights. The exhibition will illustrate the itinerary of an artist who has made a powerful contribution to the language of contemporary art. Through the richness of the artworks displayed, the show will highlight the diversity of Ramniceanu’s oeuvre — between clean conceptual gesture and baroque profusion of colors and materials, between painting and sculpture — as well as the strict consistency — whatever the medium — in his exploration of human soul. Now recognized as part of his oeuvre in its own right, Ramniceanu’s sculpture is gradually becoming more and more monumental in scale as illustrated by the Builder, a brand‐new 7m sculpture of over one ton.
Born in Ploiești, Romania on August 15, 1954, Stefan Ramniceanu graduated from the Institute of Fine Arts Nicolae Grigorescu in Bucharest in 1979 in the context of the famous “generation of the ’80s” in Romania. After establishing himself as a fixture in Romanian contemporary painting with his landmark exhibition Ferecătura (Curtea Veche,1988), Ramniceanu decided to face up to the international artistic arena. Shortly after having taken part in the Romanian revolution in December 1989, Ramniceanu was invited by the French government and eventually established his studio in Paris in 1991.
First a fellow of the French government, he became a resident of the Cité Internationale des Arts in 1992 and was awarded the French citizenship in 1999. His works have been exhibited extensively in Europe — including in Belgium, Bulgaria, Romania, France, Germany, Greece and Switzerland — and internationally and are now part of major public and private collection. In 2001, General Honorary Curator of the Louvre Museum and former Director of the Delacroix Museum Arlette Sérullaz wrote the preface to Ramniceanu’s first monography under the title Between Est and West, an alchemist which has survived through ages. For his grand comeback in Romania in 2014, the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center devoted Ramniceanu an exceptional wide‐ranging retrospective under the title “Marks,” with over 400 artworks being displayed in parallel at the Mogoşoaia Palace and at ATELIERAMNICEANU.
The language of material plays an essential role in the work of Stefan Ramniceanu, most of whose pictures have a three dimensional structure. In a career spanning 35 years, his work has been developing in a process of accumulation, mingling and reworking of themes, motifs and symbols which recur and overlap repeatedly in diverse media. Highly symbolic connections emerge from metal, concrete, wire and other heterogeneous materials. Numerous pastose layers of muted colors lend the surface of his paintings a relief‐like structure and thus an almost sculptural plasticity. The artist has borrowed indeed vocabulary from the specifics of painting crossing the discipline of sculpture, where he now focuses his efforts.
Exhibition made in collaboration with H&H Mécénat and ATELIERAMNICEANU.
Grand Opening of the Ramniceanu Retrospective on October 10, 2014: 4.00 PM @ the Mogosoaia Palace & 7.00 PM @ ATELIERAMNICEANU /
Through an exceptional selection of more than 400 artworks, the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center is presenting the first Stefan Ramniceanu retrospective, marking the 300th commemoration of the death of leading historical figure Constantin Brâncoveanu.
The artworks displayed come mostly from European private collections and — for the latest works — from the artist’s studio. There are exhibited to the public both at the Mogosoia Palace and at ATELIERAMNICEANU, in Bucarest from October 10 to December 4, 2014.
From early figurative paintings inspired by Ion Andreescu to the latest geometrical compositions, the route offered highlights the main periods of one of the majors artists of the Romanian contemporary art scene. The exhibition spans 35 years of creation, through a retrospective presentation of his main periods — Ferecatura, Manuscripts, Shirts of the Walls, Scholars, Clay Apostles, Pillars, Idols, Centaurs, Golden Nights, Universal Men and Islands' Memories — highlighting the complexity and wealth of his oeuvre.
As a counterpoint, an all-new set of monumental sculptures and installations will be revealed for the first time.
This event takes places 26 years after the artist’s solo exhibition Ferecatura held at the Curtea Veche Palace in Bucarest on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Brâncoveanu’s accession to the throne of the Wallachia principality.
Organized in close collaboration with ATELIERAMNICEANU, this retrospective — the largest presentation of Ramniceanu's works ever — is presented by the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center in collaboration with the General Council of Bucharest and the Artists Union of Romania.
Ramniceanu featured in the April 2014 issue of "Canvas Magazine" — the premier magazine for art and culture from the Middle East and Arab world /
Ramniceanu featured in the Sept. 2013 issue of "Canvas Magazine" — the premier magazine for art and culture from the Middle East and Arab world / launched! /
© Stefan Ramniceanu Studio
We're pleased to announce the launch of our official website!
This website is designed to share a unique behing-the-scenes look at Ramniceanu's work: in addition to displaying a selection of major artworks from 1988 to 2004, it pulls together a variety of unique interviews and exhibition films, as well as a selection of publications and critical essays.
This website is meant to be a work-in-progress project: subscribe to our mailing list to receive news and updates.
Emisiunea Neconventional cu Daniel Dimache la Ploiesti TV (2/2)