Razvan Theodorescu
Join us, on February 12, for the premiere of "Muzeon — Stefan Ramniceanu", an experimental art documentary by Laurenţiu Damian, head of the Romanian Filmmakers Union (UCIN) / by Ramniceanu


The official catalogue to accompany Stefan Ramniceanu's 2014 landmark retrospective "Marks" (URME) at the Mogoşoaia Palace and at ATELIERAMNICEANU, featuring paintings, sculptures and installations than span Ramniceanu's thirty-five-year career. A two-volume, 700+ pages, catalogue written in English, French and Romanian, including numerous studio and on-stage photographs as well as in-depth essays and designed as testament to the career of a man driven to confront himself and the audience with the complex issues of our worlds' past, present and future.
Jointly edited by the Romanian Cultural Institute and the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center with the support of law firm Bulboacă & Asociații.
Grand Opening of the Ramniceanu Retrospective on October 10, 2014: 4.00 PM @ the Mogosoaia Palace & 7.00 PM @ ATELIERAMNICEANU / by Ramniceanu

Through an exceptional selection of more than 400 artworks, the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center is presenting the first Stefan Ramniceanu retrospective, marking the 300th commemoration of the death of leading historical figure Constantin Brâncoveanu.
The artworks displayed come mostly from European private collections and — for the latest works — from the artist’s studio. There are exhibited to the public both at the Mogosoia Palace and at ATELIERAMNICEANU, in Bucarest from October 10 to December 4, 2014.
From early figurative paintings inspired by Ion Andreescu to the latest geometrical compositions, the route offered highlights the main periods of one of the majors artists of the Romanian contemporary art scene. The exhibition spans 35 years of creation, through a retrospective presentation of his main periods — Ferecatura, Manuscripts, Shirts of the Walls, Scholars, Clay Apostles, Pillars, Idols, Centaurs, Golden Nights, Universal Men and Islands' Memories — highlighting the complexity and wealth of his oeuvre.
As a counterpoint, an all-new set of monumental sculptures and installations will be revealed for the first time.
This event takes places 26 years after the artist’s solo exhibition Ferecatura held at the Curtea Veche Palace in Bucarest on the occasion of the 300th anniversary of Brâncoveanu’s accession to the throne of the Wallachia principality.
Organized in close collaboration with ATELIERAMNICEANU, this retrospective — the largest presentation of Ramniceanu's works ever — is presented by the Brancovan Palaces Cultural Center in collaboration with the General Council of Bucharest and the Artists Union of Romania.
Un mare artist a revenit in Romania! Victor Ponta: "E un semnal mobilizator si de curaj dat oamenilor valorosi!"
Ştefan Râmniceanu vernisează prima expoziţie în România, după două decenii petrecute în Franţa
Aula Academiei Române — Premiu prestigios pentru pictorul Ștefan Râmniceanu